Kotikoiraluokan tulokset
Bling Bling Doing FI53553/22 s. 26.09.2022 I. Yangopark Hi Flyer E. Bling Bling Mantoniella Kasv. Maija Päivärinta Om. Kyllikki Mäenpää
Overshot jaw. Head yet developed. close behind. slightly cowhocken. good bones. level topline. good depth and brisket. gay tail. VSP-kotikoira
Caballus George William C.I.B. C.I.E. FI MVA SE MVA(N) EE MVA SEJV-14 EEV-17 FI43031/13 s.22.7.2013 I. Häämörin Rekyyli E. Caballus Black Velvet Kasv. Tiina Illukka Om. Marja Asikainen
No testicles. Nose too long, tail too short. Good bend of stifle. excellent coat. ears well set. well let down hocks. dark eyes. moves well for age. sij. 2
Caballus Off Spring FI33769/17 s.23.5.2017 I. Caballus Keep Coming E. Caballus Glittering Ginny Kasv. Tiina Illukka Om. Kreetta Lindroos
No testicles. Small head but in proportion. Too moderate bend of stifle. Bit upright, could do with more forechest. Coat in good condition. Tail well set on. Eyecolor matching coat. sij. 3
Bling Bling Smile FI19543/18 s.09.02.2018 I. Pizzazz Ticket To Ride E. Caballus Glittering Gypsy Kasv. Maija Päivärinta Om. Elina Peltomaa
Well made black bitch. Pretty head in right proportion. Overall good length to body. Moderate bend of stifle. well set on tail. Well muscled. Coat in excellent condition. Well layd down hocks. ROP-kotikoira